MidWeek Refresh NowWeFlow yoga (Noémi) - HUN/ENG/ESP/POR

Wednesday/Szerdánként 17:45-19:00 között személyesen az V. ker Vécsey utca 3. szám alatti stúdióban.

Registration and payment with the instructor (Noémi)/Bejelentkezés és fizetés az oktatónál.

E-mail: nowweflowyoga@gmail.com 

Registration/Jelentkezés: NowWeFlow yoga class schedules

NowWeFlow aka Noemi Lowy- my yoga personality wishes to offer you a variety of yoga classes - tailored to the participants and to the seasonal changes, based on 5 AYURVEDIC elements, - lunar yoga flows during Moon phases, and other chakra harmonising classes. Meditation with sound bath sessions and individual yoga therapy sessions are available in ENG/ ES/ POR and Hungarian languages. NowWeFlow with me on Wednesdays at White Lotus Yoga studio- to regain the balance, the harmony within, and discover more the layers of the Universe of YOGA.

“Everyone should practice Yoga and keep it in their life… and Yoga doesn’t mean only bending your body, it is also caring for others, HEALTH is the biggest gift that you can give to anyone…” the words of Paramaguru Sharath Jois resonates perfectly, the way I look at what Yoga is for me and the reason I am called to pass this knowledge on, live it, embody it and create space for the others to experience it. Yoga does surround us- it is within us - and we continuously learn something new about ourselves. It is an infinite exploration. Are you ready to join the ride?